Dreaming, how do you define dreams? I have lately been feeling very small and worthless, people in life can make you feel so little, like you have nothing to give. I have always been like my grand-dad: a DREAMER … So yes maybe I have big dreams, maybe yes they are too big for such a small soul … but you know when people tell you that you have to stop dreaming … you know what I mean right? there are always some people that tell you to face the truth … and frankly do we always wanna hear the truth? hmmm nope … As far as I know (and yes I have checked) the definition of a dream is emotions, feelings, sensations and wild fancy and need for achievement a deep aspiration … So in conclusion none said that dreaming was wrong and that it would never happen!!
I believe that in this world some people are lucky, some people have it all and some other have to work hard to get where they want to be and there is nothing wrong in working hard to get the dream in your head real once in for all. We are all so different in this world and that is why we were put on this earth for, to be different from one another and sometimes we don’t all agree with each other, why? because we all have had a different idea of life because we all have different dreams …
I have had a few emails lately of people telling my they love my blog and some asking me how my life is so perfect and cute? Yes I have an amazing love affair with my husband, I have wonderful, kind and generous parents, lovely friends, I have a nice closet and I travel a lot, I also have a lot of pink and sparkles surrounding me in my daily life (well yes pink and glitters make me happy get over it …). What I wanna say is that we all (including me) feel like everybody has a perfect life … a perfect ‘Instagram’ life? yes they do … do they have it figured out all the time? no I don’t think so … Read these from bloggers I admire on a daily basis … here, here, here and here
This year I want to be better, a better wife, a better daughter, a better friend and a better blogger. I really want to start getting confident about myself and not let people take me down and make me feel like I can not achieve my dreams, our dreams. I wanna focus on what is really important, for me it’s my husband the only one who knows me best and who is supportive every step of the way no matter what I do, we need to remind ourselves what is real … and my marriage is real, beautiful and has so much more to offer …
I keep repeating to myself, ‘it’s ok to want something and work for it’, happiness is unique yet we find society always trying to put a mass barometer on it … well I won’t let anyone, yet anything pressure my happiness. It is scary to acknowledge all that big heavy stuff isn’t it?
Lots of love to you all out there who need to dream a little bigger and to believe in yourself and surround yourself with people who believe in your dreams.