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Baby essentials with Mother Care





An article that as been long over due but that is finally here, our favourite baby items. When I got pregnant I swore to myself that I would not be buying unnecessary things. We rounded up our favourite things to have and to keep.

  1. Our all time favourite was the Tommy Tippee perfect prep machine, I did not breast feed and this was a life saver and a time saver. It does your milk bottle like an espresso machine within 2 min. He has been using it since birth and still is at 6 months old. I think for the price it is totally worth it

     2. Secondly, not pictured and wondering why as it is now sitting in the garage lonely but the Chicco next to me bed, Liam was in our room for only 3 months as he did his full nights at 5/6 weeks and was becoming to make too much cute little noise in the night for our beauty sleep hahah kidding. It was perfect for the scary first few nights of making sure he was breathing properly and also it was perfect for night feeds which happened once a night for 5 weeks, I could also nap next to him during the day which was a real pleasure

     3. The bouncer from 4moms was such a great addition to our lives, it really kept him busy and rocked him when needed, he often was sitting on the table with us when little but outgrew it very quickly he fell off it a few months ago (it was on the floor rest assured) he laughed but just was out of it very quickly the monkey so again it’s in the ‘for baby number 2’ box in the garage lol

4. Finally the Philips box, we received the breast pump for those in need, the sterilising machine which is amazing and also all the bottles, we knew we wanted Avent bottles and it has been perfect and we never needed anything else. I can highly recommend all of those products to you for sure from one mama to another one.

A massive thank you to one of our favourite place to shop for Liam, Mother Care who have been incredibly generous when Liam was born, we have also partnered with them on the travel bag for the buggy and more on that in our article ‘travelling abroad with a baby’.

Thanks to brands who make this blog possible and who have helped with Liam’s essentials. 

xo S