French born and raised, Sylvia now lives in Ashford, Kent in the UK. Lover of weekends, full of fresh flowers, iced coffee, pretty dresses, food and movie nights. She also L.O.V.E.S reruns of Gossip Girl. She lives to inspire others and create a beautiful lifestyle for her and her family. Becoming a mother has changed her in so many ways, hair is not always curled but her sense of style is still here! She will share with you all her tips and struggles through motherhood as well as recipes and home decor!
She started Sylvia's Sparkles over six years ago to share what she loves the most and also keep in touch with her family and friends all over the world. She has always been passionate about creativity and wanted to explore it deeper while sharing her love for lifestyle fashion and travel. She loves stamps in her passport and spending time with friends and family.
She hopes to aspire and charm her readers.
These are a few of her favourite things …
Life in the countryside, the Sound of Music, tv shows, London, Paris, New York, Netflix, christmas, sleep, heels, bows, country music, hot cocoa, nutella, sweets, cinema, photo booth, cashmere, sparkles (hint), white and white with more white, coastal vibes, fresh blooms, weekend getaways, new restaurants, ocean breeze, old movies, snail mail, J Crew, stripes, white sheets, lazy days, waves, laughter, dancing, cooking, interior design, cozy sweaters, seashells, Vogue (the size of the September issue), to do lists, autumn, gold, puppies, yoga, The Holiday (even when it's not Christmas) hearing English people say 'oh la la'
Hates: early mornings (hence why I am my own boss and also why I became a mother ... or not)
Contact at info@sylviassparkles.com