2 years of marriage! I am no expert on giving advice but there is one thing I will say; it will challenge you everyday but love is stronger than anything.
Is a marriage free of arguments? no way, you argue and that’s what makes you stronger. For us I would honestly say most arguments are culture related, we are from two different countries and have different ways of expressing ourselves and sometimes well it clashes.
All I can say is, take time to be with your other half, ditch the iPhone and the stress of life and relax. Communicate we all know that right? but do we really do it properly? Don’t focus on what he is NOT doing and focus on what he is doing, the socks on the floor? no point trying will never work although he cooks, cleans and brings me flowers.
Take time for yourself to do what you love, what makes you happy and gives you energy, being successful as a couple will only work if each of you is strong and fulfilled as an individual. Make each other laugh. Try not to take everything so seriously …
But most of all …
Don’t take each other for granted. You have to work at it all the time
L. I love you and thank you for everything you have done over the last 7 years of our relationship
Have a happy weekend friends, oh and Happy Birthday to my sweet friend Vikki from Style and Minimalism
Thank you to our wonderful photographer for our wedding shoot and our snow shoot we are every so lucky!